Caring For Your Hot Tub With SpaGuard Bromine
For many, bromine is the preferred way to maintain a hot tub. The trick to bromine is not to over use. Its easy to fill a bromine floater to the top and forget about it. A little goes a long way in this case!
Upon fill up:
- Insert optional Frog Mineral Cartridge into filter or onto filter basket
- Add 2 oz. of Spa Shock directly into water
- Add 2 oz. of Stain & Scale Control directly into water
- Test and adjust Calcium as necessary
- Wait at least 12 hours and check Ph with Test Strip
- Adjust Ph as necessary with pH Increaser or pH Decreaser
- Place 1-3 1” Bromine Tablets in skimmer next to filter(s) or in floater
Weekly Maintenance:
- Check Ph with Test Strip and adjust as necessary
- Add 2 oz. of Stain & Scale Control directly to water
- Add 2 oz. (per 250 gallons) of Spa Shock directly to water
- Check Bromine Tablets
Weekly or as needed:
- Add 2 oz. of Water Clarifier or even better Enhanced Spa Shock if water is cloudy
- Add 2 oz. of Enzyme if spa develops a scum line around water
- Add 2 oz. of Foam Down and/or Spa Shock if water is excessively foamy
- Apply Cover Care & Conditioner or 303 Protectant to cover to protect from UV rays
- Remove filters from the spa. Use Filter Cleaning Solution as per instructions on bottle. Rinse filters thoroughly and reinstall into spa.
Every 3-4 Months:
- Drain spa and wipe down shell with a cotton towel. Once dry, apply a thin layer of Fast Gloss to the shell, allow 15 minutes to dry, and wipe off with a clean cotton towel.
- Refill spa and refer to the Upon fill up portion above