TRIO + @ Ease SmartChlor
Upon fill up:
- Add @ Ease Floating SmartChlor System to water and set dial
- Set dial to #1 for 200-300 gallons
- Set dial to #2 for 300-400 gallons
- Set dial to #3 for 400-500 gallons
- Set dial to #4 for 500-600 gallons
- Add 2oz start-up pack directly to water
- Adjust Ph as necessary with Spa Up or Spa Down
- Add full packet of TRIO Enhanced Water Softener directly into water and run jets for 20 minutes
Weekly Maintenance:
- Check Ph with Test Strip and adjust as necessary
- Add one packet of Weekly Softener & Clarifier directly to water
As needed:
- Add 2 oz. of Enhanced Spa Shock if water is cloudy
- Add 2 oz. of Anti-Foam if water is excessively foamy
Every 3-4 weeks:
- Apply Cover Care & Conditioner to cover to protect from UV rays
- Remove filters from the spa. Rinse filters thoroughly and reinstall into spa.
- Wipe down the cover and synthetic cabinet of any large debris.
- Replace @ Ease Smartchlor cartridge
Every 3 months:
- Add full packet of TRIO Fresh Start and run jets on high for 20 minutes
- Drain spa and wipe down shell with a cotton towel. Once dry, apply a thin layer of Fast Gloss to the shell, allow 15 minutes to dry, and wipe off with a clean cotton towel.
- Remove filters from the spa. Dilute one bottle of Filter Clean in four gallons of water and allow filters to soak for at least three hours. Rinse filters thoroughly and reinstall into spa.
- Refill spa and refer to the Upon fill up portion above
Please note: If spa is seeing high use increase dial one level to maintain water clarity.